Eyes grew heavy in the overly warm dining room, glazing into insensibility, as the world’s second most boring speech droned on interminably. To Darcy Simmons it seemed she fought with the Sandman himself to keep her eyes open, as she owlishly blinked, trying to wake up, though for the life of her, she couldn’t think of why. “There isn’t enough money in the world worth this,” she thought, “What was I thinking!” She gazed around her, seeking an excuse of any kind that would make it okay to run screaming from the room, when her eyes fell upon……
I know…. it’s rude to leave people hanging like that. You’ll just have to get over it, as my imagination just experienced a massive fail. What with the weird muscle spasms that are currently making my left leg twitch like a vulcanized frog, the incipient relatively high pain level we are ignoring, and the general state of affairs here, it isn’t particularly surprising, just inconvenient, and a PISSER OF MAJOR PROPORTION!!! You know I’m upset when I use three exclamation points, knowing one will do…. It is going to make for a difficult morning, I can see already, and I’m a less than happy camper at the moment….
Perhaps, though, I should try to apply some of this wisdom I so often tout here. The vicissitudes of life come to burden all of us at one time or another, and it’s foolish to think it won’t happen to us, just because it hasn’t happened for a while. (I love that word, “vicissitudes”…. a wonderful word to describe such a vile, distasteful group of experiences, with just the right sense of disapproval, yet without giving up any of its elegance….) Patience, tolerance, courage, strength, all are qualities whose praise I’ve sung, so it would be a good thing, no doubt, if I were to take advantage of all that I’ve written to benefit my own self….. helpfully providing both statistical evidence in support of the wisdom that is offered, and a good example of its effectiveness in reality. Bonus!
Okay, we’ll give it a try…. I can ignore the muscle spasms fairly easily; they’re just another physical anomaly, which by this time should be fairly common, and familiar, and therefore of no concern. I’ve already taken an extra pain pill, and it should help in a little while, so I can stop fighting the pain (not as easy as it sounds, but, doable….). As for the rest of what is going on around here, it all falls under the category of things about which I can do nothing. As such, I can only take the advice of Epictetus, and accept that there are things that are not within my control, thus opening the way to enjoy the result of such wisdom…..
Okay, so here I am, in pain, (fuck! It hurts!…. Some days, it just doesn’t want to cooperate, you know?….), but courageously whipping myself to continue writing, mainly because nothing else seems to work, so I may as well get something done….. I’m applying the wisdom, but it doesn’t seem to be helping much….. I guess it’s just going to be one of those days when I can count on my pain to stay at a high level, and my depression to keep me in the proverbial dumps all day, or at least until I can persuade myself to give it up and get on with life. It’s hard, though, as I usually tell myself to “fuck off” in such cases…. I’m not a nice guy, sometimes…
Hey, at least it made the intro section fairly easy to write… lots of subject matter, even if it is all a bit on the dreary side. Ah well, I’m entering that state of mind where my only response, to anything and everything, is fairly certain to sound something like “Fuck it!… and the white horse it rode in on!….” I’m going to take a chance here, and dive into the dB, & see if there is anything that can push through the haze surrounding my brain to stimulate a rant, or an old school pearl, or maybe a poem…. One never knows, do one? Shall we Pearl?…..
“Life is a great surprise. I do not see why death should not be an even greater one.” — Vladimir Nabokov, quoted in “Time”, 1981
Well, Vladimir certainly nailed it in one! This fits right in with what I believe, which, though it has little if anything in common with popular religious views of the afterlife, is nonetheless just as optimistic in outlook as any of those rather exceedingly ornate, highly unlikely scenarios. In my world view, the mind, and consciousness, whatever it may be, is equivalent to energy in our universe, and as such, should logically have the same characteristic as all other forms of energy we have thus far discovered, to wit: it cannot be destroyed, only changed in form.
Each of the world’s religions has their own version of what happens after we die, and all of them are made with the assumption of the presence of their idea of God as the underlying reason for all that occurs. This, while logical, to a small degree (one has to accept some rather specious assumptions in order to follow a logical path to the concept of a God….), mostly reminds me of a small boy walking past a graveyard, whistling loudly to scare off his own fears…. It’s mostly wishful thinking, as far as I can see, according to all the physical evidence available. The proponents of these religious philosophies all make the same basic error in their logical constructs, one that is so basic, they can’t even see it….
That error lies in assuming that Man, or a man, being a mortal being, limited in perception and understanding by their own physical envelope, is capable of either understanding, or describing, what is a God. If one assumes that an entity is capable of creating an entire universe, I don’t think it is logical to assume that we, as part of that creation, would have the capability of comprehending either the process involved, or the being that carried it out. The mere fact that, in order to try to comprehend God at all, we need to try to give him first, a sex, then a visual identity, is the first and most telling clue that we are wrong, right from the start…..
The next clue as to our inability to know God is the behaviors that Man ascribes to Him. In just about every religious book I’ve read, the actions of most of the Gods therein reminded me more of a surly, selfish teenager than of a God. I don’t know, it just seems a bit illogical to have the creator of the entire universe behave worse than a cranky two year old that needs a nap, if He doesn’t get the fawning worship he so desperately needs. It sounds more like Benito Mussolini, or Madonna, to me, than it does like God….
This doesn’t mean, though, that there is no hope of redemption (though I’m not sure from what I’m being redeemed… the idea of original sin is pretty much a hoax, you know, put in the Christian dogma to help manipulate and control people….), or of life after death. The universe is actually a quite beautiful place without the concept of God hanging about, getting in the way…. And this viewpoint allows one to appreciate life much more fully, knowing that we are the ones responsible for making our lives worth living…
Everybody dies, and everyone lives after death, as far as I can see from a logical standpoint. I think that what Vladimir says is a good way to look at things, as it acknowledges that responsibility for our own happiness, and does so without implying the existence of a need to do so in hope of a reward for good behavior, as is the case in those religious institutions who wish to control people here in this life, with the threat of punishment or reward in the next. We can assume control of our own lives, including our own happiness, or, we can allow others to think for us, and accept the chains and limitations of living according to someone else’s ideas of what is real….
The saddest part of all this? Most folks never even realize they have a choice in the matter. From infancy, they’ve been brainwashed to believe what they’re told, and all-too-few of us manage to escape the bonds of slavery that are placed on our minds early in life. Most folks just accept what they are told by anyone in authority, and get very comfortable in their chains, since they don’t have to think for themselves at all….. They never realize just how large and beautiful the universe really is, because they’ve accepted the blinders they wear, and refuse to even acknowledge that they wear them at all….
It sure makes me glad for whatever happened to keep me from falling for that whole scam; I can’t say exactly what first clued me in to the facts, but, I’m very, very happy that it did. I can’t see going through my life filled with fear of what might happen afterward; it’s too much fun enjoying all the beauty and grandeur that exists on our planet to spend more than a second considering such nonsense…… :-) Thank God for small favors, eh? :-) Sorry, couldn’t resist….
‘Deem not life a thing of consequence. For look at the yawning void of the future, and at that other limitless space, the past.” — Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180 AD) — Meditations, iv, 50
It has been awhile since I read The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam, so finding a small piece of it in Smart Bee gave me a hankering to run through it again. It’s a long piece, though, and can take a while to get through. In addition, it takes up a lot of space…. so, to avoid both those problems, today I’m providing a simple link to the poem, on PoemHunter.com, where I find a lot of what goes into this section…. A very large amount of the world’s best poetry and poets are to be found there, and I enjoy the simplicity of their interface… Any who, here, for your reading pleasure….
“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.” — Johann L. Uhland (1787-1862) — Speech, May 27, 1836
Mr. Uhland is correct in his observation, if a bit slow in making it. The usurpation of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights began within moments of its adoption as law, and has been continuing on a daily basis ever since. In the fight against that usurpation, a major battle was lost sometime around the middle of the 19th century, around 1836 or so, when a corrupt federal judge, at the insistence of his corporate masters, approved a legal decision that gave corporations the same rights as people, opening the door to further machinations by which the banks and corporations could, have, and continue to, steal from the public without consequence…..
Today, there is a new push to reform some of the laws that enable the moneylenders to control society as they do; the concept of corporate personhood is under fire by an enraged public, tired of the endless cycle of working to try to get ahead, only to find that there is no path visible to go anywhere but down. As that astute social philosopher, George Carlin, pointed out, they (the bankers and corporate rogues) don’t want a populace capable of critical thinking; they just want workers smart enough to operate the machines, but not smart enough to wonder why they are doing so for so little compensation.
Modern technology has, thanks to the Internet, made keeping this issue out of the public eye impossible, and the corporate stranglehold on society is being challenged much more often. In one sense, this new found spread of information is holding back the needed changes, as a lot of energy is dissipated in the public discourse that might otherwise build up into the kind of frustration that leads to revolution, and societal upheaval. But, it is also making it much harder for the miscreants who want to control everyone else keep their machinations out of the public eye. There are too many holes for them to plug….
The power these self-serving assholes hold over the rest of us is accustomed to being able to hide from public scrutiny, and I’m sure there will be attempts made to curtail some of the information they are concerned about making common knowledge. In fact, according to some of my latest email updates from the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), there are a number of bills trying to get forced through Congress, without public discussion when possible, that are intended to limit the freedom of speech that is currently unrestricted, for the most part.
A recent setback occurred when an honest judge (i.e., one that stayed bought….) rewarded his corporate masters with a decision regarding cell phones that is a serious threat to a number of technological freedoms…. In other words, the fight continues today, and it is just as important today as it was back in 1776, and 1836, when the battle was joined…
The Beloved Ruling Class, and their corporate owners, will do all they can to limit the public’s awareness of what they are doing, and they will continue to try to erode the rights of the common man. They have, by their historical behavior, and their current actions, indicated their intent quite clearly… and that intent is to arrange matters so that what they want is law, and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves silly…. because they don’t care. These people are not concerned with anything that does not serve their own ends, and will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to maintain their power…. This is not supposition, this is fact, based on history, and on observation of current events….
I guess the only real question to be answered is, how long are the rest of us going to allow them to have their way? They are killing us all with their indifference to anything but their own purposes, and we are letting them do it.
Myself, I’m getting a bit tired of it, and would like to see society become a bit more active in the resistance shown to the chicanery toward the rest of us, all perpetrated by the Powers That Be… up to and including revolution…. But, then, that’s me…. I’m a bit impatient, and I’m tired of their shit….. I’m hoping more people are getting that way, as our only hope of survival in the long run is to kick the bastards out…..
“All the world over, I will back the masses against the classes.” — William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898)
Well, there you go…. I was a bit concerned, after writing the intro; it was a tough one, and didn’t bode well for the rest of the Pearl. But, apparently, once I found the right pearls for discussion, I had plenty to say, and it flowed out fairly well…. Well enough that polishing took only a few minutes…. I am happy to pronounce this Pearl “done”….
Happier than I can say, really, as it has distracted me from the pain for a good hour and a half now…. Hopefully, I can find enough to continue to distract myself long enough, and get through the day to tomorrow…. Just gotta stay focused on that concept, and I’m good to go…. Y’all take care out there, and May the Metaphorse be with you…..
Sometimes I sits and thinks,
and sometimes
I just sits.